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因果論 論因果 1.0.7
因果論每人一生中所遭遇的事情,無論順境或逆境,隨着個人命格,年纪從中每時每刻所遇到事情去產生不同變化。所謂有因有缘而生,無緣無結果,欲知果如何,前因後果,快来因果論論因果,給您趨吉備凶,開花結果。Causality encounteredthings in life each person, regardless of good times or adversity,with the personal fate, old things have come from all the time toproduce a different variation. There are so-called because affinitywas born, and missed no result, how to learn fruit, cause andeffect, cause and effect come causality theory, give you Kibiincreasingly fierce, bear fruit.